A Tribute to My Friend Cheryl Anne Wilcox and Interview with her Husband, Jeff McHarg Today I would like to pay tribute to my friend Cheryl Anne Wilcox, who passed…
Don’t the last two years seem like a nightmare? It reminds me of Dallas, the popular television drama series from the 80’s, where after a season ending cliff-hanger, we tune…
SPRING EQUINOX, MARCH 20 Spring is in the air! Finally, the dark cold days of winter are over as we welcome the increased amount of sunlight with earlier sunrises and…
Meditation in Motion Gurudev Shri Amritji (Yogi Amrit Desai) is one of a handful of gurus who came to America from India in the early 1960s. Amritji was the first…
Cosmic Connections, a Blueprint for the Soul Millions of readers enjoy reading Maria’s horoscope columns and articles which appear on Tarot.com, Aol, Yahoo, HuffingtonPost, Lifescript and many others. She is…