Spring is in the air…finally! We made it through winter and out of hibernation. We welcome the signs of nature reawakening; soon the trees will start budding and the flowers…
(Image by Julio Lopez on Unsplash) Why do people miss and yearn for the “good old days?” The cherished recollections of the past are those little moments that weren't really…
Top Three Tips for Having a Healthier Conversation Talk less, listen more - If your mouth is open, you are not listening. Active listening requires you to be 100% present…
Photo by Kenneth Williams on Unsplash “Rest is the most underused, chemical-free, safe and effective, alternative therapy available to us.” Saundra Dalton Smith, author of Sacred Rest. When we think…
“Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto.” A great Italian quote that sums up the Italian way of living: “Eat well, laugh often, and love much.” Always cherish those special…
Many of you are familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible; a native of Samaria (Samaritan) who stopped to help a man who had been attacked,…
Feeling depressed? Down in the dumps? Unhappy? Overwhelmed, especially at this time of the year? Remember this: if we rearrange the letters in the word “depression,” we get “I pressed…
In this biblical story, thousands of people had gathered to listen to Jesus teach and perform healings. By nightfall, there was nothing for these people to eat. When…
Mornings are such an important part of the day when you get to set the tone for the day ahead and lay the foundation for being productive. Instead of jumping…