Having a Bad Day?

Ever have one of those days? Sometimes it seems like we just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and one thing after another goes wrong. You missed your train/bus, you drove past your exit on the highway, you’re having a rough day at the office/home, and just when you think it can’t get any worse, it just did.

It happens to all of us. It’s OK to have a rough day and it’s quite normal. Some days, we’re on top of the world; other days, it hits us harder than others. It’s what we call being human.

No need to beat ourselves up or feel shameful for not having a great day. While it’s important to be positive, it doesn’t mean that we’ll never have a lousy day. Instead of fighting it and making it worse, the first step in dealing with a bad day is to acknowledge and accept it for what it is. As corny as it may sound, tomorrow will be a brand new day.

No matter what kind of day we are having, at the end of the day, we need to remind ourselves that we have so much to be grateful for. Counting our blessings makes us feel happier and appreciate the good days more.

When your day feels like it’s spinning out of your control, remind yourself that although you may not be able to control what is happening to you, the one thing you can always control is how you choose to respond; chalk it up as an experience, and gain some new insights.

Let’s face it, when we’re feeling good, we celebrate life. However, when we’re feeling bad, it is an opportune time to learn and grow from the experience. It can also help us build resilience. In order to flex those resilience muscles, bad days can train us to become stronger and to bounce back. 

On the bright side, bad days can provide us with valuable feedback, so instead of being judgmental, look for the lessons. Perhaps you’ve been neglecting yourself and working too many hours. This helpful insight could help you prevent a burnout. Perhaps you leave things to the last minute and you need to devise a better plan. Instead of rushing, leave earlier so you can avoid getting a speeding ticket. 

Be kind to yourself. Speak to yourself as you would to a friend in need of assistance. What would you say? Offer support, encouragement and, above all, show some love, respect and compassion.

Be kind to those around you as well. You never really know what people are going through, so even the smallest act of kindness may have a big impact on someone in desperate need.

As social beings, social bonding is an essential component in healing from our problems. That’s why it’s so important, especially when you’re feeling alone, to connect with someone; call someone you trust; send a text or email; go for a coffee or lunch; and vent. You’ll feel better. Also, consider staying away from negative people so you don’t lose your energy and become more miserable.

To get through those days, start by building a better mindset.

It’s the little things that can boost your mood and get you back on track. It’s time to take a time-out just like you would when a child is having a crappy day;

  • Do things that make you feel good; read a book, listen to music, go outside for a walk, watch your favourite show, knit, try a yoga class, take out your colouring book, paint, go for a drive. A change of scenery, even if it’s just going into another room or walking down a different street, can help reset your mind and relax your body. 
  • Take care of yourself with the basics; eat some comfort food, drink some hot tea or your favourite coffee, make sure you are hydrated, get some rest, take a nap, go to bed earlier, take a shower or a soothing bath, meditate. You’ll be surprised at how these small things can help restore balance in your body and mind. 
  • Express yourself; sort out and validate your feelings by journalling, talking to your best friend or joining a support group. It’s easy to get caught up in everyday life and sometimes we neglect our feelings. However, they won’t go away by ignoring them. They will sneak up on you at any unexpected moment. Don’t keep them in. When you are feeling overwhelmed or need an emotional release; go ahead and let it out; have a good cry or scream, it can be very therapeutic.
  • Sometimes you just need to be alone; turn off the phone and spend some time doing nothing.
  • Retail therapy works for some people, however it could end up being a costly solution depending on how bad a day you’re having.
  • If you feel like you’re stuck, do some small tasks like cleaning out the fridge, organizing your desks, sorting out your files or finishing up those emails you’ve been meaning to send out. Whatever you choose, completing the small task will make you feel like you have made some progress. 

You’re allowed to have a bad day and to complain about it.

Remind yourself of all the other rough patches you’ve been through and how you survived. Rest assured that whatever bad day you are experiencing it will not last forever.

Nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary and will change. 

Find your inner peace by facing each day with understanding, acceptance, and courage. 

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

And as Jon Bon Jovi would say in his song,

“When the world gets in my face, I say, Have a nice day!”