It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!


With Christmas fast approaching, many are getting into the holiday spirit by putting up the Christmas tree and decorations, as well as feeling overwhelmed with all the planning, preparation, and last-minute gift shopping. It is very easy to get caught up in the pressure and busyness of this very commercialized season, and we tend to miss out on the true meaning of Christmas. We can all benefit from a more mindful approach to this festive season.

We get to celebrate this time of year by sharing special times and gifts. In the spirit of giving and receiving, let us not forget that the best things to give are not necessarily things. While it’s great to receive gifts, it is also a good time to refocus on what’s truly important. Like they say, it’s the thought that counts. Consider your thoughts and heartfelt efforts to add value to every gift you give. ’Tis the season to show your appreciation and honour your loved ones.

Christmas is about sharing and caring, being together, and reflecting on love, just as God showed his great love for us by giving the ultimate gift of his presence – the birth of Jesus, our Saviour. 

The best present is your presence. Embrace the spirit of peace, love, and goodwill by paying  mindful attention, spending quality time, and opening your heart.

Wouldn’t you agree that we could all use a little Christmas in our hearts throughout the year?

Why not keep the spirit of Christmas alive by continuing to treat others with kindness, not only at Christmas but all year long? Be kind to everyone and reach out to those who are less fortunate. Kindness is contagious, so spread it around.

Why not be thankful every day for all we have and experience? Gratitude nourishes the soul. Focus on the good every day and how blessed we are. Gratitude is not only beneficial to our health, but it also brings hope. Hope re-energizes us, changes lives, strengthens relationships and a sense of community, inspires more kindness and love, and helps us cope with difficult times.

Why not become more interested in people instead of things? Becoming more intentional with our time and being more present with others.

 Why not decide what and who are important in your life and spend every day doing what truly matters and spending more time than money with those you care about?

Nothing is more precious than your time. Do activities together, keep up those family traditions or create new ones; find some volunteer work; pick up some groceries for the elderly; give some of your time, especially for the ones who are alone most of the time; or better yet, show up with a cooked meal; collect money or much-needed items and food for the homeless or even for someone you know who is going through those hard financial times. And don’t forget the animal shelters; they too can use donations. Give to causes and charitable organizations that are near and dear to your heart. Remember, it’s not just at Christmas time that they are in need. They can all use a little Christmas all year long.

And above all, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Make the time to look after your own wellbeing so that you can take care of others. Being present in your life will ensure that you get to enjoy the holidays instead of missing out on those meaningful moments that you will cherish for many years to come. Reflect on the past year, look at the lessons learned, and start making plans for the following year.

Recapture the magic of Christmas and make it last the whole year with the gifts of time, kindness, compassion, service, friendship, sharing, healing, rejoicing, and celebrating the birth of Jesus.

I wish you peace, prosperity, happiness, and joy. May your life always be filled with love and light.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Antoinette Giacobbe