We All Shine On

Today is the shortest day and longest night of the year. As we step into a new season with the first day of winter, it is a time to honour the stillness and silence of the darkness and to welcome the return of the light. The winter solstice serves as a reminder that no matter how dark it gets, it is only temporary, for the light is on its way. From this day on, the days will become lighter, longer, and brighter.

Take a moment to acknowledge this light and to reflect on the past year, the lessons you’ve learned, and what you would like to invite into your life as you look forward to new beginnings.

Winter’s hibernation period is essential for the preparation of spring. Get in tune with nature’s cycles and rhythms to create a balance between light and darkness. We need to slow down, rest, tune inwards, dig deep, and listen to our true heart’s desires. We need to shine a light on what no longer serves us and what needs to be nurtured as we plant the seeds of our new dreams, new plans, and new ideas. 

Look beneath the surface and ask yourself, what is hiding in the darkness of my shadow self that I need to explore and embrace? What do I need to release to move forward? How can I bring light into the areas of my life that I need to focus on so they can blossom and grow in the new year ahead? 

Wishing you a season filled with a sense of renewal, peace, compassion, purpose, and hope. 

Keep the light within you shining bright and let it guide you forward on your new path.

Celebrate the Christmas presence as you unwrap your gifts of the season.

And in the words of John Lennon, “We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun.”

Antoinette Giacobbe M.A.