Interview with Mark Wooding, Artist and Creator of After Skool




Mark Wooding, from San Francisco, California is the artist and video creator behind the hugely successful YouTube Channel, After Skool with over two million subscribers. Mark is on a mission to share profound and insightful stories through animated art. His whiteboard animations bring to life powerful messages by keeping it simple to understand and getting right to the heart of the matter. At the same time, he makes learning more accessible and entertaining. His topics, to name a few, range from philosophy, health, history to spirituality. His works include collaborations with Jordan Peterson, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Alan Watts, Will Smith and Dave Chapelle.

The following illustration has in part inspired me to create my website and embark on my new adventure. I got the opportunity to as Mark a few questions. 

How do we fix our broken spiritual connection?

We need to get to know ourselves. It is so important to express our authentic nature, our truth. When we do so, we are free to create. When we suppress it, we cannot create. To find out who we really are, we need to look deep inside. The answers are not on the outside nor can we find them by trying to please others.

When we feel safe and our needs are met, we can create. Understanding our place in the cosmos makes us realize how small we are but yet how big we can become.

Right now, I’m studying history and enjoying geology tours. It’s amazing how long the earth has been around. Learning should be fun like going an adventure. We all learn in different ways, some need to see it while others may need to feel it or just hear it. 

In today’s school system, children should get out more. There is so much to learn outside instead of being confined to the  classroom. Going on field trip is not only fun but you get to learn so much more by being in nature. You get to experience a real forest in real life.

What is your source of inspiration?

I look up to people who have gone through incredible life stories, the ones who have had the worst life experiences and came out on top. For example, Mike Tyson had a terrible upbringing. He came from the bottom and made it to the top. Now he has grown into such a spiritually enlightened being with no ego. 

Learn from the people who inspire you. Reach out to these people whom you look up to.

How to tap into creativity?

We are all born to be create, that’s why we came to this earth. We can create by tapping into the divine consciousness. The job of an artist is to take the vision of what they see and show it to others. It’s like channelling God through art. Creativity is not limited to the arts. Look around you, it is everywhere from a beautiful garden to cooking a great meal. Art is a medium to make ideas visible and as accessible as possible.

Creativity is not about thinking, it’s about channelling a higher wisdom and listening to your intuition. Look at a musician playing an instrument with their eyes closed and just being in the flow. It’s so inspiring just to watch and to be present. Learn to listen to your inner voice and trust it.

When I started doing videos, it was difficult and slow at first and I didn’t follow my intuition. 

As I was getting more excited about my work, the momentum started building as I allowed myself to continue creating and go deeper into my work. After putting in a lot of work, there were no subscribers to my YouTube channel and no news from anyone. I got discouraged and wanted to give up but I had to keep believing in myself.  By focusing my energy, the step by step momentum kept on growing and changing into what it is today.

 What are some of the life lessons you’ve learned?

Never give up, hold on to what is good for you. It’s worth the fight.

Stick to what you love to do and follow your intuition.

Satisfaction comes from getting closer to your goal, not the goal itself. 

Moving towards a noble goal that gives you meaning and purpose in life.
When you know your “why,” you can handle the “how.”

Best tool for healing?

Do something hard everyday. Put yourself through discomfort. For example, when I get up in the morning, I get right to doing my exercises. Every morning it’s a struggle. However, after I do it and the sun is shining, I feel great.

In order to see light you need the darkness. The more darkness there is, the more light you will see. Life is about finding the light in the darkness. 

Suffering is inevitable and you cannot avoid it. So why not choose which type of suffering you want: will you be the victim or will you embrace it and face it voluntarily. You cannot change the external world but you have the power to change how you see it.

If someone made a movie about your life story, what would it be called and who would you like to narrate it?

I would call it “The Hero’s Journey” narrated by James Earl Jones. A typical story line about a call to action and refusing that call. Then along the way, meeting someone who guides me and helps me develop my magical skills.

I would like to thank Mark for gracefully taking the time to do this interview.

Like Mark stated, you can’t change the world but you can change yourself. Work on changing yourself and in that way, you can help change the world. The world today needs much light and change. We are grateful for Mark’s inspiration and unique talent as he helps transform people’s lives, one at a time, by teaching through art and sharing wisdom. His art tells a story. And his passion shines through it.               Antoinette Giacobbe

After Skool on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and website