(Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash)
“All Endings Are Also Beginnings, We Just Don’t Know It at the Time.” Mitch Albom
Our journey never truly ends; it’s like a loop where one ending becomes a new beginning.
The story of your life unfolds as you reach the end of a chapter and then start the next one. Sometimes, instead of a new chapter, it can be a whole new book.
No matter how lost or confused you may be, recognize that these emotions are quite normal and a natural part of the cycle. Give yourself the time and space to readjust and redirect, much like your GPS does when you change your course. Press pause, slow down, relax, and catch your breath.
Once you find your bearings, you can move forward with new objectives, remembering to look first within your heart and soul before proceeding with your new goals.
As you leave the past behind, be open and present as you welcome each day filled with opportunities for growth and change.
Acknowledge that you may feel uncomfortable leaving your comfort zone and might not know exactly what to do, but embrace the unknown, trust in yourself, and enjoy the process. You’ve been there before and managed to survive.
Acknowledge and honour your past by being grateful for all that you have learned and accomplished. Stay true to yourself as you prepare for new adventures with a renewed sense of purpose. Endings may be sad and painful, but they teach us to appreciate the beauty and the gift of life by encouraging us to discover different experiences and continue to celebrate life in unique ways.
Antoinette Giacobbe, M.A.