By letting go of the past, you can grow, make room for something new, create the space for miracles to occur, and move your life in a positive direction.
Being a prisoner of your past will stagnate your life. No amount of dwelling in the past will change it. Letting go is really about letting it be. Most people think letting go is hard to do, but in essence, it’s harder to hold on. It takes a ton of energy to carry around all the baggage every day.
True healing occurs when we embrace the lesson and let go of the hurting of our body, mind, and soul. The only power we have is living in the present, so what’s important is what you do now, not what happened then.
Find it in your heart to forgive yourself and others. We’ve all been wronged. Finding resolution is something you do for yourself. You will no longer suffer and feel trapped by the feelings and thoughts that have not been processed. By choosing to let go, the situation will no longer have the power over you, and this will have a direct impact on the quality of your life.
Keep growing and flowing through life with grace. Live with more acceptance, freedom, lightness, and presence.
Antoinette Giacobbe M.A.