Embrace the Amazing Power of Grace

“Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found:
was blind, but now I see.

Recognize this well-loved hymn? Amazing Grace was written in 1772 by John Newton, a slave trader  who nearly died in a shipwreck and eventually became a minister and devoted his life to God’s service. The song describes his spiritual journey and his gratitude for God’s saving grace. It carries the message that forgiveness and redemption are possible regardless of what you have done. It also brings peace to know that God is always present in our lives, watching over us and guiding us, not in a passive way but as an active and powerful force.

Grace is God’s gift to us by way of his kindness and his enabling power to help us become who we really are. We are not perfect, and we all make mistakes. It is through God’s grace that we can be forgiven and restored. As we transform our thoughts and lives, we can establish a higher consciousness, overcome challenges, and move forward with hope and faith. 

By allowing grace into our lives, we become more conscious of it and are lifted up. We start to realize that grace is not an outside source of light, but rather that we become the source of light. Unlike Karma, where you get what you deserve, grace gives us what we need. In times of need, we can count on God’s divine assistance and support.

Grace is not earned, nor is it based on your successes or how well you’ve measured up. God does not love you any less because you failed or messed up. God’s grace is given freely. This is the basis of unconditional love. Grace saves us by removing those blinders and reminding us to see the light. There is no need to be perfect, just be real and focus on what is important.

Here are some ways we can cultivate grace in our everyday lives:

  • Start with yourself. Treating yourself with kindness and grace is the path to compassion.
  • Learn to let go and let God. Forgiveness is healing and mends broken relationships.
  • Don’t seek revenge; show mercy instead, even if they do not deserve it.
  • Ask for forgiveness, apologize, and become a better person. 
  • Laugh at life’s little mishaps and gain a broader more positive perspective.
  • Love unconditionally. Accept people as they are. 
  • Don’t pollute your mind with negativity; focus on the positive and create more joy.
  • Speak kindly to others, show empathy, and do random acts of kindness.
  • Show respect; treat others as we would like to be treated.
  • Be thankful every day; develop an attitude of gratitude.

Growing in grace requires both practice and patience. Our actions can influence and inspire others, just as grace guides our actions and interactions with others. When we choose grace, we become grounded, balanced, and blessed. We can endure life’s difficult times as we find our inner strength, humility, and renewal by the grace of God. 

In the words of Marianne Williamson, “when we forget we are love, we forget to love. 

God, by his very nature, is love, and love is the very essence of our being.

Grace is God’s amazing gift that keeps on giving.

Antoinette Giacobbe M.A.