Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

The Celtic celebration of Samhain, from October 31 to November 1, symbolizes the end of summer and the beginning of winter. We welcome Mother Nature’s harvest and usher in the darker half of the year.

Just as the seasons change, we are also part of the ever-evolving energies that are present all around us and in us. Energy cannot be destroyed; it creates shifts and is transformed.

On Halloween, we honor the important role that death plays in the cycle of life; death is not the end, but the beginning of a new cycle, a rebirth. As it gets colder on the outside, we turn our energy inward. We see this pattern in nature and in your soul. It offers us time to reflect and refocus while waiting for new energy to spring forward. 

As the autumn leaves are dying off, they offer a stunning display of their beautiful rustic colours, which can remind us that change is inevitable and can teach us to see the beauty of change. There is no need to fear change. Don’t be afraid of the darkness. Embrace it and listen to it; you will discover what you need to release in order to make space for the new to emerge.

As we reap the fruits of our labour, it is time to rest and prepare for new beginnings. At this stage, it is important to ask yourself what no longer serves you and why you are carrying it around. Just like falling leaves, you need to let go in order to move forward, heal, and evolve. This is the key to transformation.

You can become happier and make life easier when you learn to accept change and flow with it. Don’t cling to dead leaves. Getting stuck in the past creates more pain and suffering. Surrender to the energy of the seasonal cycles and trust the process. 

In this divine timing, take deep care of yourself, be kind, patient, and loving. This necessary rest will help you become more receptive and open to creating the space you need in order to give birth to your new dreams.

As you adopt a fresh outlook on life, don’t forget to enjoy all the little details. 

Treat yourself and nurture your soul. 

May this Halloween bring you a greater connection to your inner wisdom and empowerment.

Antoinette Giacobbe M.A.