In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving


In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

In the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of Thanksgiving day is;

a day appointed for giving thanks for divine goodness.

What started out as a celebration of the fall harvest has now become a national holiday filled with turkey, bread stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.  Least we forget that once upon a time, Thanksgiving had its roots in times of deprivation, not plenty and came from sacrifices and hardships. 

Like most holiday seasons, people tend to get caught up in the commercialization and forget the essence of what Thanksgiving is truly about, especially with all the stressful and uncertain events that have been happening this year, all of which has ending up costing us so much on so many levels. 

Thanksgiving is the act of giving thanks, an expression of gratitude. When we open our hearts to receiving what life brings you, gratitude flows.  The two main ingredients of “divine goodness” is love and sharing. As we appreciate and show gratitude, it naturally flows into generosity. 

Thanksgiving is a time for spending with our loved ones and telling stories around the dinner table. It is also a great time to create and to continue family traditions. By making this day special, we bring the sacred back into the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is also a great time to share and donate by giving to food shelters, charities or even to your next door neighbour who may be alone or anyone else who may be struggling. 

A small token of your appreciation can make a big difference in someone’s life. Even if it’s just saying, Thank You.

Thanksgiving is a time to count our blessings. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyday we showed our gratitude and gave thanks. By incorporating this attitude of gratitude in our daily lives, we can reap the benefits of becoming more positive and calmer and as well as create peace and deepen our faith and relationship with our higher power. Start keeping a gratitude journal. Every night before going to bed, reflect back on your day and write down 5 things you are grateful for., no matter how big or small.  As simple as it may sound, this is an essential part of maintaining your mental and spiritual health. And as a bonus, research shows great effects on your body from boosting feel-good chemicals in the brain like dopamine and serotonin which regulate mood, to increased energy and improved sleep. 

As we gather around and enjoy a great meal, remember to nourish your soul as you reclaim Thanksgiving. Acknowledge all the things you can be thankful for. Often times, as we get busy tending to our daily lives, it is easy to forget or take for granted all the good we have. 

We neglect to invest in our spiritual growth. The role of being thankful and expressing gratitude is essential for our spiritual health and well-being.  Like anything else, it requires time, effort and practice otherwise if we turn our focus on adding up the negatives in our lives, we lose out on enjoying life by getting stuck feeling angry, sad, anxious, hopeless and depressed.

Let Thanksgiving be a reminder that even in the midst of troubled times and difficult circumstances, we can counterbalance those negative thoughts and beliefs by cultivating the habit of gratitude and flexing our spiritual muscles.

Life is a gift. Rejoice in the little things that end up making the big ones. By affirming and embracing the good in life, it can also be transformed into action as we help others find gratitude and hope. Everyone in the world can use a dose of love, kindness and compassion.

So take this time to reflect and remember to say Thank you. These two small words can create immense and wonderful effects in your life and in the lives of others by showing appreciation, lifting spirits, bringing hope and adding meaning to life.

“Saying thank you is more than good manners, it’s good spirituality.”

Celebrate in the true spirit of Thanksgiving!  And Thank you.

Antoinette Giacobbe